Hardly had the movie “Om Shanti Om” been released, when a promising start of the partnership between Deepika Padukone and Tissot watches was given. It happened at once after the Hindi movie, where Deepika played one of the key roles, was a great success all over the world with the public. At the moment this Bollywood feature film ranks second among the Hindi movies according to the earned gross.
Plentiful awards received by Deepika Padukone are a striking illustration of the actress’s fortunate debut performance. Since that time – it was December, 2007 – she has been playing parts in numerous splendid movies, continuing her career not only in a film industry, but in ambassadorship of Tissot watch models.
Coming from a family of a badminton world champion, Deepika didn’t follow her father’s career, but at the same time she didn’t let the sport pass her life. Yoga and swimming have always helped her not only feel fit, but be a harmonious personality. Being a real lady, Deepika is constantly searching for harmony in every detail of her life. Having found her individuality in Tissot T-Touch watches, she chooses either the Tissot Classic Prince Diamonds or the Generosi-T watches as exactly their modern styles and functionality coexist with her sophistication and strive for adventures. Being a Tissot ambassador, Deepika Padukone highly appreciates top-quality watches of the Swiss brand – they are not just precious timekeeping accessories matching both occasion and mood but and the reflection of her multi-sided lifestyle.